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Introduction to typical examples of fully electric melting kilns for electric bricks (II)
Release Date:2023-05-11 13:30:31     Hit:98
Nissan (5 #=small electric melting furnace for white material glasses glass.
(1) The structure of the electric melting furnace. The kiln adopts a vertical structure and is composed of a melting pool, a flow hole, an ascending channel, and a material channel. The melting ground is heated in two layers using two pairs of molybdenum electrodes above and below. The ascending channel adopts a pair of molybdenum electrodes, and the feeding channel adopts silicon molybdenum rods for radiation heating.
There are two gas nozzles installed on the top of the melting pool, which are used for heating when the electric furnace is started to ensure that the electric furnace is in good condition! When left or right, the electrode can be smoothly electrified. The melting pool and ascending channel are both made of fused zirconia corundum bricks (including $%&$''()), and the pouring port of the fused bricks is facing outward during masonry. The material channel is made of sintered zirconia corundum bricks, the furnace top is made of high aluminum bricks, and the top of the pool wall is insulated with ceramic fiber cotton with a thickness of $) *, while the bottom of the pool is not insulated.
(2) Power supply. Each pair of electrodes adopts! +, single-phase power supply voltage regulating transformer for regulation and control. There are two sets of coils on the secondary side, with voltage when connected in parallel! The current is! When using series connection method, the voltage is $"" - and the current is/"". The material channel is controlled by a "+" and a voltage regulating transformer. The power supply is divided into four groups, with the upper and lower layers of the melting pool as $groups, the ascending channel as one group, and the material channel as one group.
(3)。 Electrode and electrode water jacket. Using domestically produced molybdenum as the electrode, its chemical composition is as follows:.
The entire electric melting furnace consists of six molybdenum rods, with a total weight of/A4 '+;. The loss of 7 molybdenum electrodes in the melting pool is'! 43; BC, the loss of the two molybdenum electrodes in the ascending channel is 74 "; BC, the erosion at the top of the electrode is greater than that at the root, and the degree of loss on the outer surface of the entire electrode is relatively uniform.
Water jacket used: 5%! A?= 3D=stainless steel. The top is an electrode plug, and the end has a water inlet pipe to cool the electrode with cooling water. The electrode water jacket cover adopts an "&" type sealing ring. After the electrode is installed, tighten the cover with threads to prevent the cooling water from leaking out.
The electrode cooling water uses softened water to cool the electrode. The electrode water cooling jacket is installed on the wall of the electric melting furnace. The distance between the electrode plug and the inner surface of the pool wall brick is @ "E!" * *. The molybdenum electrode is taken out from the furnace and observed. The electrode root is well sealed by glass.
(4) The baking furnace of an electric melting furnace. Use the gas nozzle on the top of the kiln to heat up for A day until Start adding broken glass around. When the glass material level rises to the lower electrode position, insert the electrode. When the glass liquid covers the electrode with electricity, the temperature of the glass liquid is relatively low and the voltage is quite high. A certain amount of energy can be input to quickly melt the broken glass. When the glass liquid rises to the upper electrode position, insert the upper electrode and power it on.
(5) Electric furnace power consumption. After the electric furnace is adjusted to normal, the electrical parameters are measured, and the discharge amounts during the test are respectively; After the inspection of glass quality, there is no significant difference in bubble conditions.
(6) Measurement of furnace temperature in electric furnaces. During normal operation of the electric melting furnace, a platinum rhodium thermocouple with a long corundum protective sleeve is inserted into the center of the melting pool. The temperature of the glass liquid is measured point by point from top to bottom. It can be seen that the hot spot of the melting pool is located between the upper and lower electrodes, and if the discharge amount is large (daily discharge amount A/"+;), the hot spot moves downward, and the temperature of the upper glass liquid decreases.
When the discharge rate of the electric furnace is at "4/GFC, a hot furnace top is formed, and its spatial temperature is generally between!!" "# to!" "#. At the same power of the electric furnace, when the discharge rate increases to" 4A/GFC, a cold furnace top is formed, and its spatial temperature is generally between 7 "" # E/"" #. After the formation of the cold furnace top, the temperature in the upper part of the furnace is low, and the heat loss is reduced. The amount of volatile matter loss in the batch is also correspondingly reduced.
(8) Glass melting quality. The quality of the obtained glass liquid is mostly maintained at bubbles of $"" B+without the use of silicon controlled constant current control and automatic control of the material level in the electric melting furnace; Good level of glass.
(9) After thermal measurement and heat balance calculation, the thermal efficiency of the electric melting furnace is $/(, and the heat dissipation by heating the furnace wall accounts for 7@4 Water heat loss! A4H (. Power consumption is $4H/$+)>: F+; Glass ('4 $+, IF+; glass).
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