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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: accelerate the development of green build
Release Date:2023-05-14 08:32:51     Hit:104

June 21,2017, the Department of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China raw materials industry, the Department of energy conservation and comprehensive utilization and the Industrial Culture Development Center jointly held the launch ceremony of the “Green Building Materials Industry development achievements exhibition” in the exhibition hall of the Ministry's Xidan Office Complex, deputy Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Minister Liu Lihua attended and spoke.

In his speech, Liu Lihua pointed out that promoting the development of green building materials is not only conducive to the supply-side structural reform of the building materials industry and stable growth adjustment of structural transformation, it is also of great significance to the improvement of the human settlement environment, the construction of an ecological civilization and the complete construction of Xiaokang in an all-round way.

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